弗吉尼亚理工大学® 首页



2023年秋季, 网上赌博网站十大排行收到了超过47个,000份申请,约7,网上赌博网站十大排行的入学班有000个空位. 要成为弗吉尼亚理工大学的一年级申请者,你必须完成:


  • 4个单元英语
  • 3个数学单元(包括代数I、几何和代数II)
  • 2 units of laboratory science (chosen from biology, chemistry or physics)
  • 2个社会科学单元(其中一个必须是历史)
  • 3个额外的学术单元(强烈推荐外语)
  • 4个选修科目

If you have already graduated high school and have attempted 12 or more credits at the college/university level, 那么你应该以转学申请人的身份申请. If your credits were attempted or completed in high school, you are still a first-year applicant.


When your application is complete, it will be reviewed holistically by our admissions committee. 网上赌博网站十大排行会看你们在课堂上的成绩, 以及你在课堂之外是谁. This includes looking at your application within the context of your high school. 委员会会考虑你学校的课程设置, 评分量表, and any other school-related information provided to review your academic achievement. 在申请审核过程中考虑的因素包括:

  • 在学校背景下学术课程的严谨性
  • 课程成绩,包括随时间变化的趋势
  • Standardized test scores (if applicable; test-optional for students entering through Fall 2025)
  • Major requested on your application as we review by major at 弗吉尼亚理工大学
Personal Review (in alphabetical order, not reflective of order of review):
  • 课堂以外的活动,比如工作, 俱乐部, 体育, 家庭责任, 服务, 研究, 等.
  • 纪律记录
  • 第一代大学生身份
  • 对军校的兴趣
  • 参与弗吉尼亚理工大学管道项目
  • 通过Ut Prosim档案提交的个人陈述
  • 住院医生实习期
  • 资深地位



Applicants who meet the following criteria are required to submit a Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) after application submission:

  • First-year applicants who have only attended high school or have been 首页-educated within the U.S. 会否需要提交SRAR覆核. 如果你选择你的SAT/ACT成绩被审查, you must include them on your SRAR.

Applicants who meet the following criteria are required to submit their transcript(s) during or after application submission:

  • First-year applicants who have attended high school or have been 首页-educated outside of the U.S. 在任何时候都需要提交他们的成绩单以供审查. 如果你选择你的SAT/ACT成绩被审查, include them on your application for admission or upload a score report in your Applicant Portal.

In both cases, the Applicant Portal will be a tool for submitting your academic materials. Applicants will be able to either seamlessly log into their SRAR or upload their transcript(s) and standardized test score reports (if applicable).


  • ACT或SAT: 弗吉尼亚理工大学 is test-optional for students entering through Fall 2025. 关于入学申请, you will be able to select whether or not you would like your scores to be reviewed as part of your application. 网上赌博网站十大排行不会看这两个测试的写作部分. If you do not want to include test scores in the review of your application, 这不会影响你的录取决定. If you are required to submit the SRAR, you will provide the scores there. 如果你被要求提交成绩单, 然后你可以把考试成绩放在你的通用应用程序上供审查, 或者在你的申请人门户网站上上传分数报告.
  • 英语语言要求: 如果你正在申请并且你的母语不是英语, you will need to demonstrate English language proficiency through testing. For more information, please see the international requirements webpage for details.


推荐信不是必需的或要求的. Even if submitted, they will not be considered in the review of your application.

If there is a circumstance that you would like to share that impacted you academically or personally, we encourage you to share this information on your application in the Additional Information writing prompt on Common App. Your counselor may also write a letter of circumstance on your behalf and email it to admissions@xiuxianke.net 要添加到您的申请中以供审查. Please note that this should not be used to share letters of recommendation.

For a checklist related to applying to 弗吉尼亚理工大学 as a first-year, please visit the 第一年申请清单.


为了争取弗吉尼亚理工大学的入学资格, students applying from educational backgrounds other than accredited schools (including 首页-schooled or 首页-educated students whose programs are not accredited) must provide the following documentation for review by the admissions committee:

  • Application for admission, including the non-refundable application fee
  • Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) that includes all coursework completed in high school
  • 成绩/水平
  • SAT和/或ACT考试成绩,如果选择复核成绩

弗吉尼亚理工大学 attracts highly competitive students nationwide and from over 100 countries. An increasing number of these students have unique educational backgrounds that require additional evaluation. The university administration recognizes that students from educational backgrounds other than accredited schools may not study in the traditional classroom environment and that they are unable to provide the traditional documentation needed to evaluate their academic performance. 弗吉尼亚理工大学 believes that providing this population the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency in their college preparatory curriculum through the above-listed documentation will be beneficial to both the student and the university.
